The Terra where we live in has been facing directly a lot of environmental problems. The circulatory resources is the most important matter. Especially, water resource that is indispensable for us to surve has becoming difficulty to supply safety. Over six billions people are coexisting on the earth.

By the issue of The Yohanesburgu Sumitt in 2002 and The Third World Water Forum in 2003, there are 1.2 billions people can`t take good sanitary conditions water, and it deserves about 20% of total population.

About 4,000 thousands people a year, eleven thousands people a day, they ( most of all are children) die by the infectious diseases by the cause of the water luck and the water pollution. This one is happened mainly in Asia and Africa. It`s all destitution countries.

Do you realize the circumstance that many women and children in developing countries have to work hardly for water carriage?    It`s very important work to women and children in India, Pakistan, and Middle and Near East.

Children, they have no time to go to school. There are many people who have to spend a half of their lives to carriage water.


Guinea-Conakry spring water pond Pond in Guinia

To supply safe and high quality drinking water to the people water luck.

To show how to build toilets and how to use them, and learn the resources recycling, for example to utilize the stabilized human waste as the fertilizer for the agricultural products.

To appeal the importance of the education and to help them building and repairing schools.


The Model Sanitation Program in rural communes of Vietnam under JICA Study

Report of the participating in NGO Training Course out of Japan sponsored Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency(ERCA) to Indonesia & East Timor(from Aug. 31th to Sep. 12th 2004).

The 1st World Toilet EXPO & Forum was held at INTEX Shanghai in China which is organized and sponsored by the World Toilet Organization for 3 days from May 8th 2005.